

Infection of the gastrointestinal tract triggered by viruses (noro-, rota-, adeno-, coronaviruses) or bacteria (Clostridioides difficile, Campylobacter, salmonellae, etc.). Also, protozoans such as amoeba or lamblia cause gastroenteritis. Due to the destruction of the intestinal mucosa or the formation of bacterial toxins, food cannot be digested sufficiently. Generally, gastroenteritis also involves diarrhoea and vomiting.

The classical transmission path is the faecal-oral Smear infection. Appropriate hygiene measures such as Hand disinfection prevent the spread of the pathogens.

Gastroenteritis can be very painful

Knowledge Database

The A-to-Z database provides information on each pathogen, the most common infections that it triggers, its main transmission paths and recommendations on disinfection. In the glossary, you will find explanations of infection control terms. Search now!

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