
(nonenveloped virus)

Polyomavirus is a nonenveloped virus that has the shape of an icosahedral capsid (spherical) and belongs to the Polyomaviridae family. It is classified in BK virus (human polyomavirus 1), JC virus (human polyomavirus 2, JC polyomavirus, JCV) and Simian virus 40.

JCV leads to progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML – affection of the central nervous system); the BK virus causes tubulo-interstitial nephritis (kidney disease).

The main transmission path is direct or indirect contact with contaminated persons or objects.

» Necessary spectrum of antimicrobial activity

Click here to find products with virucidal activity

Click here to find products with Polyomavirus activity.

Nonenveloped virus
Hard to crack: molecules need to penetrate into the interior of the viruses to destroy them.

Knowledge Database

The A-to-Z database provides information on each pathogen, the most common infections that it triggers, its main transmission paths and recommendations on disinfection. In the glossary, you will find explanations of infection control terms. Search now!

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