

Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The virus belongs to the group of retroviruses and causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It is enveloped and therefore classified as less resistant to environmental influences. The virus particle's potential infectiousness can be maintained outside the human body and under appropriate conditions for several days up to 2 weeks. In persons tested positive for HIV, all body fluids contain the virus in different concentrations. Up to now, HIV has been proven to be transmitted via blood, semen, and vaginal secretions.

Breast milk is another possible transmitter. The appendices of the RKI Guidelines specify protective measures. Various studies have already shown that HIV is similar to HBV, but less chemo-resistant than HBV. Hence, all disinfectants and disinfection procedures that are active against HBV can also be used for HIV or AIDS. Since 2004, a disinfection procedure's activity against HIV is approved when it is "virucidal against enveloped viruses".

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