
Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a species of aerobic, coffee bean-shaped bacterial cocci. It belongs to the family of Neisseriaceae.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections cause gonorrhoea (clap).

Worldwide, there is a high increase in the number of penicillin-resistant strains.

The main transmission path is direct or indirect contact with contaminated persons or objects.

ยป Necessary spectrum of antimicrobial activity

Click here to find products with bactericidal activity.

Cluster-forming cocci
Typical representatives: Staphylococci are the most common cluster-forming cocci.

Knowledge Database

The A-to-Z database provides information on each pathogen, the most common infections that it triggers, its main transmission paths and recommendations on disinfection. In the glossary, you will find explanations of infection control terms. Search now!

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