
What class of respiratory masks is prescribed or recommended in the event of a norovirus outbreak, and what is the source of this recommendation?

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recommends wearing suitable mouth-nose protection to avoid inhalation of droplets during norovirus outbreaks. According to the Biological Substances Ordinance, suitable respiratory protection would be an FFP2 mask in this case.

Noroviruses belong to the pathogens of risk group 2. In case of contact via the airway, i.e., if splashing or spraying of infectious fluids is to be expected (e.g., nursing activities close to the head of patients with explosive vomiting), employees should wear respiratory protection of the same risk or protection class: an FFP2 mask, according to the Biological Substances Ordinance.

RKI-Ratgeber Infektionskrankheiten - Merkblätter für Ärzte. Erkrankungen durch Norwalk-ähnliche Viren (Norwalk-like-Viren)
. Updated version of August 2002, first published on 28.1.2000.
Biostoffverordnung vom 15. Juli 2013 (BGBl. I S. 2514)

Technische Regeln für Biologische Arbeitsstoffe (TRBA 250 Biologische Arbeitsstoffe im Gesundheitswesen und der Wohlfahrtspflege), GMBI 2014, Nr. 10/11

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