Our Mission, our Values

Code of Conduct

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As part of the HARTMANN GROUP, to which we have belonged since 2009, the HARTMANN Code of Conduct is not only guiding but also second nature for us at BODE Chemie GmbH. Wehave the same mission,pursue the same principles, and live the same values.

Our values and guidelines for ethical behaviour at HARTMANNour Code of Conduct:

Raising concerns – Reporting channels in HARTMANN GROUP

At HARTMANN, we encourage everyone, both employees and externals, to raise concerns and report misconduct, such as violations of applicable laws or our Code of Conduct.

You can inform us about possible violations through the following channels:

Further details can be found in our Code of Conduct above.
The identity of the reporting persons and of other persons named in the report will be treated confidentially.

External reporting channels (in Germany)

Instead of reporting your concern to HARTMANN you may also reach out to external reporting bodies. Further information can be found here:

Bundesamt für Justiz: BfJ - Hinweisgeberstelle (bundesjustizamt.de)

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