Vascular access management – for fewer infections

Bordetella pertussis is a Gram-negative rod from the family of Alcaligenaceae. Bordetella pertussis is distributed worldwide and is of great importance as the causing pathogen of whooping cough or pertussis.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated more than 150,000 cases occurred globally in the year 2018. As a preventive measure, the WHO recommends vaccination against pertussis for infants, who are considered most vulnerable to the disease [1].
After an incubation period of nine to ten days on average, rhinitis and cough may be the first symptoms to appear. In the course of the disease, typical coughing fits and respiratory sounds may occur over several weeks. In rare cases, severe courses occur that can be life-threatening, especially for unvaccinated infants. Infected individuals are contagious for up to three weeks after the onset of the typical coughing fits, and if no adequate therapy is provided.
The main path of transmission of B. pertussis are pathogen-contaminated droplets of fluid that infected persons excrete when coughing.
For disinfection , a disinfectant with bactericidal efficacy should be used for both hand and surface disinfection.
» Necessary spectrum of antimicrobial activity
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